Aurangzeb: Viceroy of Deccan

 7. Aurangzeb: Viceroy of Deccan

It was 14th of July, 1636 at the age of 18, the young prince Aurangzeb was appointed viceroy of the Deccan region, south of the Mughal heartland. Young prince needed his Mughal capital of Deccan. Khadki, a small village near the fort of Daulatabad was his choice. Under Aurangzeb the village will rapidly grew in size, glory and elegance and came to be known as Aurangabad – the city of Aurangzeb. 

His hard work and skills would establish Mughal rule in the south. He would be viceroy of Deccan for eight years and will return Agra, capital of Mughal Empire not to get rewards of his hard work but to face punishment by his father Shahjahan. 

Below is Mughal painting, Aurangzeb with Shahjahan and his brother.
