The Preveza victory


The Preveza victory, won in 1538, is one of the greatest naval victories in Turkish history and one of the greatest naval victories in world history. You will understand when you examine the numbers. 

Europe brought together the largest Crusader fleet the world had ever seen in the history of warfare. The navies of Spain, Germany, Portugal, Venice, Malta, Genoa, the Papacy and Florence were united. 

Among these, the Spanish navy was the second in the world after the Ottoman, and the Venetian navy was the third.

At their head was Andrea Doria, the greatest admiral of the Christian world at the time. The Crusader navy consisted of more than 600 ships. 308 of these were pure warships, the rest were small warships and transport ships. 

The Crusader fleet had 60 thousand soldiers, excluding rowing convicts. They had huge galleons, each carrying 2 thousand soldiers.  

The Ottoman navy under the command of Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha consisted of 128 ships and 20 thousand sailors. 

There were also names who commanded the navy, such as Salih Reis, Seydi Ali Reis and Turgut Reis. 

More than 120 thousand people were facing each other on the sea, along with the soldiers and convicts of both sides. This was something that had never been seen before. 

This terrific naval battle ended with an overwhelming Ottoman victory in five hours. The Crusader navy lost 128 ships. Andrea Doria escaped by extinguishing all the lanterns. 

The Preveza victory and the Djerba naval victory in 1560 were considered great honors among the Ottoman soldiers. This or that beam was praised by saying "it was found in Preveza or Djerba" and everyone envied that beam.

The levents in both of them would rise to the rank of heroes among their friends...
